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Siemens Filters Spare parts list

Spare parts list
S/SSpare part nameUnit of measurementPart number, model, brand or type Quantity
1Inlet filter of the air compressor of the turbine AmerKleen M80pcsP/N: 60-1300-242440
2New model filter in the lubrication system of the turbinepcsW 712 4
3Main oil filter HC 8304FKS39Z PALLpcs64/05002071/168
4Start pump with HC 9600fkn8h pall filterpcs64/05002028/294
5Emergency oil pump filter HC 7400SKS8H PALLpcs 64/05002028/384
6Turbine type air filter XF102pcs P/N 64/03001673/1 2
7Inlet mesh filter of washing modulepcs8061-75561
8Mesh filter at the inlet for the washing material of the washing modulepcs8061-76461
9Demineralized water in the washing module mesh filter at the inletpcs8061-76471

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Contact: Hangzhou Gas Turbine Parts Co.Ltd

Phone: 15869109368

Tel: 86-571-89967020


Add: No151,ZiDingXiang Road Hangzhou City ZheJiang China 310021