Steam Turbine Parts

  • Combined Cycle Valve Drop-in Solution
Combined Cycle Valve Drop-in Solution

Combined Cycle Valve Drop-in Solution

HGTP's Combined Cycle Drop-in Valve Solution combines the valve wear parts into a pre-assembled set and 

allows you to replace them more quickly. 

This moves the detailed shop inspection and repair work for individual valve parts off the outage critical path. 

The Drop In set that is removed is inspected/repaired/replaced at the shop and prepared for the next outage. 

This solution is ideal for CI/HGP and other shorter outage durations.

MSV/CV Configurations

D11: 2 x 7", 2 x 9", 2 x 11"

A10: 1 x 9"

CRV Configurations

D11: 2 x 20"

A10: 2 x 16"

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Contact Us

Contact: Hangzhou Gas Turbine Parts Co.Ltd

Phone: 15869109368

Tel: 86-571-89967020


Add: No151,ZiDingXiang Road Hangzhou City ZheJiang China 310021